MZpack Indicators for NinjaTrader 8 doesn’t depend on the type of NinjaTrader 8 license. You can use MZpack with any version of NinjaTrader 8 – demo, free, subscription, lifetime. 

NinjaTrader 8 pricing is here

  • Demo version (with free market data) is for Sim account only and is available for 2 weeks or so. Or you can re-open NinjaTader demo using another email each time. Read how to get NinjaTrader 8 free demo
  • You must open an account at NinjaTrader Brokerage to use the free version of the platform.
  • Market data subscription is required to trade live. Contact NinjaTrader Brokerage for the details.

Note, you can't trade on a real account with NinjaTader 8 demo license.
Some countries are not allowed to trade on real accounts with NinjaTrader 8.